SIGNING OBEDIENCE PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE ENSHITTIFICATION OF THE TOWN SQUARE IRL WITH TWO MINUTE HATE MONUMENTS #2MINH8 is an unnecessarily long title for a proposal that acts like the social media post of any cynical billionaire.

Cory Doctorow coined the term enshittification to chart the trajectory of new digital platforms. He argued that they first offer useful loss-leading products and services to gain users. Once users are locked in, the platform then sells the users to suppliers, but once the suppliers are locked in, the platform shifts surpluses to shareholders and cashes in.
Of course, why would you stop with digital platforms? The enshittifiers are, of course, coming for everything else. SIGNING OBEDIENCE… #2MINH8 is an un/half/totally serious campaign to have an online and in real life Orwellian festival of two minute hate tied to the rhythm of the billionaire shitposters that have polluted first the online public square and are now coming for everything else.