
For hard copies: contact info[-at-]neveroddoreven[-dot-]org unless otherwise stated.

News From Unland 36 page newspaper Kypros Kyprianou

News from UNLAND
36 page tabloid format publication, edition of 20.

Images generated from newspaper picture captions in English language newspaper articles about Cyprus (1950s +). Part of the UNLAND project.

A downloadable pdf is available here

A Restless State

Performance documentation and text from a project drawing the police at protests

Download link: A Restless State pdf

Mirage Men
Feature length documentary, 19 extra shorts on a 2 disk extended DVD and booklet.

Purchase from Strange Attractor

Adams & Smith, auctioneers of late capitalist era artefacts, auction catalogue (2034), Hollington & Kyprianou with Tamasin Cave / Spinwatch. Published to accompany the exhibition and performance in C-Words at Arnolfini, Bristol, 2009.

Colour, 38 pages.
Pdf download or Buy a hard copy

The Invisible Force Field Experiments (booklet and dvd, edition of 500.)

I.F.F.E (The Invisible Force Field Experiments) took as its starting point British pastoral science fiction films of the 1950s. The project explored science fiction narratives and tropes and the political metaphors contained within them through the medium of a fictionalised scientific investigation. Over a two-month residency at Artsway, Hampshire, the project, framed by a semi-fictional weblog and press releases, developed into a large-scale hybrid project. 

The outcome of this research was published as an experimental DVD and booklet styled as a Scientific Accident Investigation Group report, which documented the various strands of the piece, re-contextualised within an unconventional and original narrative framework.

The work, further contextualised within a multimedia installation, was re-presented at the ICA, London, in 2005, before touring internationally, at venues included the 51st Venice Biennale, Mop projects in Sydney, the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, and the Prog:ME festival in Brazil where it received a special mention.

Constrained writing publication, 2019.
Dual A5 hard bound and pdf, 43 pages, edition of 3.